Fire Risk Assessment

Updated 18/4/18 by: ASC

Item Risk Who is At Risk Action
Frying Equipment Pan Fire Staff


Neighbouring Businesses

Train staff in safe operation

Ensure Equipment Functioning Correctly, regular checks and cleaning

Ensure oil is correctly managed

Fire Blanket and Powder extinguisher available

Ensure ducting is cleaned annually and sump cleaned every two weeks

Small Frier

Small Frier (cont)

Pan Fire Staff


Neighbouring Businesses

Train staff in safe operation

Ensure Equipment Functioning Correctly, regular checks and cleaning

Ensure oil is correctly managed

Fire Blanket and Powder extinguisher available

Ensure equipment is switch off at the end of the shift

Bain Marie / Pudding Steamer Electrical Fire Customers


Neighbouring Businesses

Ensure equipment is in good working order

Ensure Equipment is turned off at the end of the shift

6 Burner Cooking Range Fire, Gas explosion Customers


Neighbouring Businesses

Ensure equipment is in good working order

Ensure it is switched off at the end of the shift

Powder Spray and Fire Blanket available

Ensure there is not risk of fire spreading