Health and Safety Policy

Updated 26/06/18 BY ASC

Health and Safety within a food premises is important for both our staff and our customers and essential for our jobs.  If staffs are injured at work it could result in the disruption of the normal running of our business.  This could affect our profitability and result in the business or a member of staff being prosecuted and possibly a large increase in the insurance premium.

Furthermore, if the business is run in an unsafe manner more accidents will occur and the morale and productivity of the workforce would decrease.  This could also affect reputation and confidence in the organisation.

Good health and safety standards are everyone’s responsibility.  The reputation of the organisation and the safety of our customers depend on them.

We will provide the necessary equipment, environment, facilities and training to ensure that high standards can be maintained.

We will ensure a safety culture that promotes an accident free working environment.

If you see anything that puts you, your colleagues, customers or any other person at risk please tell your supervisor or contact Andrew on 07748 631697

Our organisation is committed to a high standard of health and safety to ensure that we:

  • Have a safe working environment
  • Have a healthy workforce
  • Reduce the time lost due to accidents etc.
  • Comply with the law
  • Create good working conditions
  • Encourage and increase productivity
  • Provide increased job security
  • Do not put our customers at risk by our actions
  • Develop a good working relationship with our enforcement officers

The Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974

You have a legal Duty to:

  • Look after your own health and safety
  • Look after the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by your work activities including your colleagues and customers
  • Cooperate with the management regarding health and safety
  • Use the Safety equipment provided by your employer and look after health and safety equipment


This is in addition to your moral responsibility and civil ‘duty of care’