This shop has been on my must visit list for a while so when I heard the Charity Event KFE On a Mission was terminating there then it was too good an opportunity to miss!

KFE On a Mission was supported by the National Federation of Fish Friers this year and involves some of the top friers in the UK being bid for to attend shops and deliver some training or take part in a promotional event all in aid of the Fishermen’s Mission.

The meal is the end point and attended by many other top shops and suppliers. This time the event raised £13,000 and did a lot of good for the industry… not to mention a lot of laughs along the away.

Hats off to Gary and his team who cooked us a fantastic meal… if you are in Bath you MUST go and visit this place!

I have been in fish and chips for 21 years and currently hold the position on President of the National Federation of Fish Friers