Many of you may be aware I currently help to run the fish and chip trade association the NFFF. It’s quite a demanding role but it is important, especially with the current cost of living crisis.
Two weeks ago I was asked to speak at the European FOG summit at the Titanic Hotel in Liverpool. FOG stands for Fats, Oil and Grease and the summit is aimed at tackling the issues caused by grease entering the sewer system.

I was also asked to speak to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries. I was unable to present in person but I did it over Zoom before I strated work. This meeting was attended by several MPs and was focussing on staff recruitment and retention across the seaffood sector.

This past week I have been in London and Leeds. On monday I was filming for German television for their equivalent of BBC Worldservice. They are doing a feature on the history of fish and chips and its cultural importance in the UK. We filmed forseveral hours in Spitalfields at various locations and then down to St Katherines Docks (where we got told off for filming without a license!)

That evening I attended the SME4Labour Gala at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge. This event is run by my friend Ibrahim Dogus and is well attended by MPs and small businesses. It was great to catch up with a few friends and make a few new ones. I was also included in the event programme following a meeting I had at a fringe event in Liverpool for the party conference.

On Wednesday and thursday this week I spent my time in Leeds judging the Zoomround of the National Fish and Chip Awards Takeaway of the Year Category. The NFFF has taken over the running of the awards this yeat, which has been a huge challenge but it is important that the awards returned after the break due to covid-19. The event is going to take place in london on the 28th of February 23 and we will be closing for the day as I want Naomi my manager to attend the awards.

As you can see it has been a busy few weeks so looking forward to a couple of days back in the shop… and maybe I will get chance to grab aportion of fish and chips! Its an honour to perform this role for the industry and hopefully I can make a small difference.

I have been in fish and chips for 21 years and currently hold the position on President of the National Federation of Fish Friers