Hi all I hope you are having a great Easter weekend. I just wanted to give you the heads up about Skippers featuring on Channel 4 on Easter Monday at 8pm on the show Food Unwrapped. It was filmed last year before we needed masks (which now may look odd). The section I am on is about the difference between what people call Chip Shop Vinegar and Malt Vinegar. We stock both but most people prefer the original chip shop taste. I will post the link to stream it after its ben on. Thank you to the customers who took part in the filming too.
I was also guest host on Thursday on Wake Up For Money on BBC Radio 5 Live. I got to talk a bit about fish and chips, the challenges we have had during the pandemic and comment on other stories. It was a bit of an early start as I was on between 5am – 6am!
You can listen to it here:

I have been in fish and chips for 21 years and currently hold the position on President of the National Federation of Fish Friers