I was honoured to be asked to attend a meeting this week, hosted by Chris Matheson MP and organised by Chester Zoo, to draw attention to the work being done preserving habitats and supporting the economy in countries that grow palm oil.
One of the supermarket chains recently announced they are not going to sell and products containing palm oil, according to the environmental charities that is completely the wrong thing to do. Palm is a high yielding crop and is grown in areas with a high percentage of people living below the poverty line. If we all stop using palm then other oil products would be grown elsewhere and the environment would be damaged there, the current areas grown palm would have their economy collapse and that would de detrimental to them and the wildlife.
the odvixe from Chester Zoo and the WWF is to use RSPO Certified Palm oil.
This logo on a product means it satisfies the strict criteria set oil to ensure the Palm is grown in a sustainable manner!
The UK is now running at 78% Sustainablilty on Palm oil, I am pleased to say that the vast majority of Palm oil going into the fish and chip industry is sustainable. The National Federation of Fish Friers will be working to support the RSPO and Chester Zoo to get the desired 100% by 2020.
Chester Zoo is working to make Chester the first sustainable palm city! We want to get the message out that Sustainable Palm is good to to use!
I obviously has to try one of the fish and chip Canopies!
Lovely setting for the meeting and a visit I will remember!
I have been in fish and chips for 21 years and currently hold the position on President of the National Federation of Fish Friers