Now taking preorders for Good Friday

Now taking preorders for Good Friday

Our ordering system is set up ready for Good Friday. As ever we have a slightly reduced menu to help us keep service smooth and enable more peole to gram their tradditional Good Friday fish and chips! Everyone who orders online and opts in to out marketting will be...
Do you know a community star?

Do you know a community star?

It has been a testing time for us all over the past couple of years and we couldn’t have got through it without each other! We have been so grateful to all of our customers for their patience and support throughout the pandemic, you have all been amazing! We...
Xmas Competition

Xmas Competition

We are giving away a Hotel Chocolat Xmas Wreath to one lucky customer worth £75. This really is the ultimate chocolate selection box! To stand a chance of winning you just need to sign up to or Skippers Club where you will also receive the latest news and special...
Keep warm this winter – order online!

Keep warm this winter – order online!

We have invested over the pandemic in a state of the art ordering system that means we cook your food ‘just in time’ for you to collect. The ordering app integrates with our till system so that orders pop out just when we need to start your order! Our...
Skippers on TV and Radio

Skippers on TV and Radio

Hi all I hope you are having a great Easter weekend. I just wanted to give you the heads up about Skippers featuring on Channel 4 on Easter Monday at 8pm on the show Food Unwrapped. It was filmed last year before we needed masks (which now may look odd). The section I...